Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What To Substitute For Waxing Strips?

The war against the knowledge and critical research is just beginning!

November 23, the CPU (Conference of University Presidents) and MEDEF (Mouvement des entreprises de France), signed a Framework Convention, a minimum of 5 years.

This agreement's goal is to "further intensify [after LOPRI1 LRU2 and the law] relationships between business and academia," in the context of the knowledge economy ", and the "European and international competition increased." Its objectives are: employability ',' Mobility between universities and enterprises "," employability "," universities are likely to respond to business needs "," development of excellence and innovation, "" challenge education. " Means Business "strengthen ties of cooperation, including through the ESRP, the convention is intensifying / develop" professionalization [Licence, DUT, Masters, PhD] "," active guidance "," courses for all levels and All sectors], "" learning, "" vibrations, "" continuing education, "" Foundations and chairs that currently allow companies to universities and associate "," constant involvement of economic actors in the Faculty and in the councils of governance "," training modules to inform the company and entrepreneurial careers, "" Business Awards "etc.. For research and graduate schools, development of research contracts involving industrial and university laboratories, "Intellectual Property Management", "innovation management" and "entrepreneurship and business intelligence "Are scheduled. Under this rain of words directly from the lexical scope of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), and various European summits related to the Higher Education and Research, lies an unprecedented attack in the process subjection of knowledge and research in the capitalist economy! The idea here is to offer employers an army of workers (the students), non-paid or underpaid es-es (the mandatory gratuity for courses not more than 3 months' s Student at 2.75 € / hour for businesses, which often limit the courses in 2.5 months ...) and to minimize or even eliminate completely, knowledge and critical research. Furthermore, the interference of the basin in local economic decision making was already well advanced academics (CDD and LRU), it will be more confirmed! Finally, the convention is to draw a parallel with the creation of UPP (University of Poles Near) Future Universities second zones, restricted to the Licence, and ultra-professional.

The first major phase

application of European directives is passed (Bologna -1999 to 2010 -), we can learn to let the second!

Judgement immediate collaboration CPU / MEDEF

Repeal of the LRU and Loprais


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