Here you can find on this site Paris one of the UNEF, dated September 27, 2010, concerning the establishment of the white week.
For the first time in Paris 1, and thanks to a battle of several years, UNEF obtains the establishment of a white week revision 3 to 7 January. This week is an important right for the students because it allows them to revise in decent conditions and in a short amount of time correct.
During this week teaching students can go to their TD but instead that they be given during the teacher will be there to answer questions or to give methodological advice. Academic libraries will also be available to them to revise. A student not needing to ask questions is not obliged to go to his TD because his absences not penalized during the white week for review.
Today, UNEF Paris 1 calls back to a white week and "save our schedule." However, according to the union, the week was acquired for white students in September 2010. Understand the confusion many students and the student union federation Paris 1. The Unef Paris 1, our spiritual guide to all would have been mistaken? have been deceived? or we have it wrong?
Let us revisit the events. The white week of January, the previous partial, was deserted by the students. Why? In our view, contrary to the UNEF, the TD is not the essence of the educational device. If the clear weather is required for reviews, participation in the TD before the exams is not the most necessary for students because it monopolizes the time, because a student will be 3 minutes speaking time and receive a unique response to his only question. That is why many students chose to work at home or in libraries, lectures delivered for all, and making references to the examination.
We do not believe that the UNEF Paris 1 has sought to roll students, although declare victory and assume this is a rhetorical victory rather common in the student union majority, but also symptomatic practices of the UNEF. First, National Union and its line is exclusively produced by local activists who are, in fact, more students, and find themselves totally disconnected from academia. Not that we are criticizing the commitment of activists of the UNEF, but how to represent students feel their aspirations, even if they are no longer students. Second, the UNEF, presenting the university councils, as a place of change possible for students finds himself caught in his own petard. As hope for change from councils where students are underrepresented.
regard, the new schedule. We repeat that the removal of the second session in September is a bad idea because it increases the pace of studies and reduces time to pause between courses and exams, and because it increases inequalities between students and self-employed. Many students found themselves without a "vacation" from the end of their partial and the resumption of classes, a situation made more difficult when working 15 to 20h or more per week. A situation that could recur in the second half, where a holiday prior to the partial vacation to be virtually nonexistent for many students. In addition, the introduction of the second session for late June penalizes a few more students for many employees who see their annual contract ended June 30, after the start of the second session, without talking about the pace frantic faced by the administrative department and the teachers who will make corrections, and enrollment at the same time, in an increased risk of understaffed during the holidays.
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